Over 100 DaVinci Resolve Transitions

3,94 zł

Unfortunaly due to the size limit of the host I can't set this up to be a freebie anymore. I'll set it up to be $1 for now, but if you really want it send me an email so I can try and send it to you that way.

I've set this up on LemonSqueezy so you can download it there for now: https://link.sualvi.com/100DaVinciResolveTransitions

Over 100 Transitions that I created for DaVinci Resolve 16, but that are still usable in newere versions of DaVinci Resolve.

This product is completely free, but if you like to support, you can make a donation.

More Details on this pack.

More details

  • 9 Different Categories
  • These are all adjustment layers.
  • Make sure to watch the video to understand how they work.